2023 Bikini International Results — Lauralie Chapados Defends the Throne | BarBend

Publisher: BarBend
Date: 2023-03-04T21:17:04 00:00
Author: Roger Lockridge
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Lauralie Chapados WINS The 2023 Arnold Classic Bikini International

Samson Dauda drew the curtains on the Arnold Sports Festival, scheduled between Mar. 2-5 in Columbus, OH, with a convincing…

The Arnold Classic is among the most awaited sporting contests each year. The 35th edition of the show that went…

The 2023 Arnold Classic saw 10 of the world’s best Men’s Open competitors battle for gold, bragging rights, and a…

Publisher: Fitness Volt
Date: 2023-03-05T03:30:15 00:00
Twitter: @fitness_volt
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Chelsea Handler Shades Tucker Carlson With Birthday Bikini Pic

“Are you really upset about how much freedom I have?” she continued. “Or are you upset that you haven’t been able to take it away from me yet? Oh, and quick shoutout to Ben Shapiro. Thank you for helping my cause of not having children.”

Yellowstone star Lainey Wilson performed on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. She sang “Wait in the Truck” with Hardy. See her outfit here.

Twitter: @YahooNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Chelsea Handler Celebrates Turning 48 by Skiing in a Bikini

Handler teamed her bikini — which featured the U.S. and Canadian flags — with gray gloves, a black hat and Oakley goggles.

Handler wore nothing but blue underwear and American flag stickers over her breasts. She also attached an American flag and a Canadian flag to her white ski helmet and held a beverage in one hand and a joint in the other.

Publisher: Peoplemag
Author: Kirsty Hatcher
Twitter: @people
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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